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Hi Everyone! Welcome to the Fightin' for Farrell Homepage. This page is dedicated to keeping everyone updated on Joey, as well as other events that we are participating in!

Not everyone knows Joey's story; he's a strong, admirable young man, who's been faced with incredible odds. And his story, is one of shock, strength, and faith.

On January 18, 2012, Joey came home from a day at work with his Dad. Feeling rather groggy, he thought a cold shower would wake him up. Locking the bathroom door as he usually did, he started the water and then fell over. Monica Farrell, Joey's mom, rushed upstairs where Joey immediately fell into her. Getting Joey to bed Monica and his Dad, Joe, quickly decided that Joey needed to be taken to the Emergency Room at A.I. duPont Hospital for Children.

Once at the hospital, Joey had a siezure. Hospital attendants proptly rushed him to triage where he siezed again. Knowing that seizures are often symptoms of serious brain trauma, or damage they immediately placed Joey in a CAT Scan. In the CAT Scan, it was discovered that Joey had a mass on his brain, and an MRI would be necessary.

For five hours, hospital staff had Joey sedated and in an MRI. After those grueling five hours, it was discovered that Joey's mass was in fact, a tumor. At 10:30am, January 19, 2012, Joey was taken into surgery to remove the tumor. After another grueling five hours, we were told that Joey's tumor was a medulloblastoma, a malignant tumor.

Medulloblastoma, is a rare, malignant tumor usually affecting children between the ages of four and eight. While we do not know what caused Joey's tumor, we have learned that it can be caused by underdeveloped cells early on in life. Joey's diagnoses, though extremely rare, is also looking very bright! As of right now, Joey's prognosis is that once the course of treatment is complete, there is an 80% chance that Joey will make a full recovery and the tumor will not return!